Their first day of school was a little bittersweet for me. I was a bundle of nerves, hoping they'd transition smoothly & instantly love it. For the most part, they did. But my youngest had a rocky few minutes the first two mornings. Tears rolled down her little cheeks and pleadings for me to stay with her eyes & her lips. Oh, my heart just BROKE! She had been SO excited and then once she was at her desk, the newness hit her. The reality that she was on her own for the day, without knowing anyone or how things would transpire caused momentary panic and tears. She was soothed & kissed and made it, but boy, was it tough for us both to let go!! By day three she was a-ok (thank goodness!).

And THIS kid...my sweet, quiet, sensitive boy. He breezed into his classroom, sat down & was just ready for whatever! I was SO proud of him! Picking him up after the first day, he kept sighing & saying how much he loved school, his teacher, the classroom... It was AWE.SOME!

I had been worried to see/hear their response to their first day but when I arrived, there they were, two smiling faces- ready to spill all the exciting details! What an immense relief & blessing! And so we begin this adventure, together but apart. We're all going to learn A LOT!
I am so, SO glad that things are going well! So proud of them, and you, for making this big transition! Love you all bunches.
How cute they look on their first day of school! Love Josie's leopard print cardi...CUTE! Congrats on getting through the first week! Praying you all have a WONDERFUL school year! xoxo
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