It was a relaxed morning; the bride & her bridesmaids doing each other's makeup and hair, listening to Jack Johnson & sipping coffees brought in by a thoughtful brother.

I personally LOVED seeing Savannah & her sisters (again, all my cousins) interact. As I looked through the lens of my camera, I would catch a glimpse of them as I remembered them from years ago as little girls. I got a little misty a few times- just in amazement of time and how it's flown by. And so..I savored these moments on this day all the more.

They had a friend who offered to chauffer them from the church in a vintage Rolls Royce..who wouldn't jump on THAT?! It was a beauty.

Savannah and Brandon...thank you for asking me to be a part of your wedding day. It was an honor! I pray your life together will be a long one, putting God first in all that you do.