Our Oregon weather has been rather perplexing the last month or so... ridiculous amounts of rain is customary. We true Oregonians know better than to complain about THAT. However, the torrential downpour accompanied by tornado-like gusts with intermittent bursts of hail & snow are quite ridiculous! I'm experiencing "cabin fever" much more than I do in the Winter! Perhaps it's because I *know* my outdoor photo sessions are limited in Winter months, but when April rolls around, I am able to get out there and capture the first tree buds & toadstools in the bright green grass...usually. So I'm getting a smidge antsy & looked back at last years photos to cheer myself up! Thought I'd spread the wealth, though some of you across the nation are experiencing far warmer temperatures than I am... I'll try not to think about that!!
Now, in sharing a glass-half-full perspective on this weather fiasco, I *will* say that it's given me plenty of time to flesh out marketing, branding and TONS of creative ideas for Foto Bella Photography. THAT, my friends, will make the warmer months of 2010 & 2011 positively dreamy.
Check back often, because as soon as the sun begins to dry us out for more than a few minutes at a time & my webbed feet begin to resemble human ones again, you'll see new places & faces HERE!